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Flexible Ring Net Barrier
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Flexible Ring Net Barriers / Landslide Barriers

The Flexible Ring Net Barrier is a passive protection system that features a series of linked rings that form an extremely strong network to protect areas from falling rocks and landslides. These protection nettings are installed around construction sites and other facilities near slopes.

Common ring network structure configuration and protection features (consistent with railway industry standard: TB / T 3089-2004 and "The People's Republic of China Communication Industry Standard: JT/T528-2004)
Model Grid Configurations Main protection
RX I-025 (Ring Network) R5/3/300 Supported by steel columns + rope + system + suture anchor rope Wit RX-025
RX I-050 (Ring Network) R7/3/300 With RX I-025 RX-050
RX I-075 (common-type ring network) R7/3/300 With RX-025 RX-075
RX I-100 (Ring Network) R9/3/300 With the RX-025 Within the intercept falling rock impact can 1000kj
RX I-150 (Ring Network) R12/3/300 With RX-025 Within the intercept falling rock impact can 1500kj
RX I-200 (Ring Network) R19/3/300 With RX-025 Within the intercept falling rock impact can 2000kj

1. the table models behind the figures represent the ring fence of the energy absorption capacity; such as "050" indicates that the maximum energy absorption capacity of the system 500kj, "150" indicates that the system maximum energy absorption capacity of 1500kj, and so on.

2. Ring network for more than flexible protection system "major components and characteristics of the" If your design does not fully consistent with the department, the company can design according to your processing and manufacturing requirements.

3. Product quality standards are in line with "The People's Republic of China Railway Industry Standard: TB / T 3089-2004 "and" The People's Republic of China Communication Industry Standard JT/T528-2004 "

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